The best excuses we’ve heard for not getting in shape and why these excuses don’t work...
I just don’t have the time...
How did you have the time to get out of shape? Getting out of shape requires almost as much time as getting in shape. The average person gains a steady pound a year as they get past 30, or extra 10 pounds per decade and the average TV is on 7.5 hours a day in a typical home. Sitting in front of the TV eating a few extra calories can slowly lead to that added weight you don’t want. If you have the time to do nothing, don’t you have the time to do something and get into shape?
I cannot afford it...
Fitness is approximately £3.20 per day to workout at Results Weight Loss (this includes unlimited classes too, as well nutritional and educational mastermind groups and much more). Snacks, junk food, just one meal out less a month, a few less sky channels, will help to pay for a personal membership. Can’t afford it? Are you telling us your health is less important than the daily cream cake and coffee?
I need to check with my partner...
What partner wouldn’t want you to get in to better shape? You feel better, you look better, you want to do more things. Your sex life is better, you can keep up with your children and you are more fun to be around when you’re feeling good about yourself. Go ahead, ask your partner if its ok to get healthy and change your life.
I am looking around now for a gym and I plan to get started next Monday or next month after...
After what? There is always another ‘after’ coming in your life. When is your health going to move up the list and become more important? Wait a month and you are just another month out of shape. Get started now and month on you’re a few pounds or even two jeans sizes less and are fitting just fine!
Don’t delay your body fabulous by one more day. Quit the excuses and sign up to our 6week skinny jeans challenge. Starts Monday 1st February 2010. We currently have ONLY 4 PLACES LEFT! Contact us urgently to secure a place. We have no doubt these places will fill up. This newsletter alone is going to over 4000 people. SIGN UP HERE!
Results Weight Loss
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